Sunday, May 06, 2007

Tikkun Olam to the Max!

Last Sunday, April 29, marked our temple-wide Tikkun Olam Day, where the PTS community gathered to create care packages for local soldiers serving overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq. The outpouring of caring and affection for military personal from Peninsula was tangible, and wonderful.

PTS Brotherhood provided refreshments for the busy workers. We'd like to thank the men, women and children of PTS, as well as many local merchants, who donated food, toiletries and other essentials; hand-crafted artwork and notes of support; and assembled and packed boxes for about 500 local soldiers serving overseas.

I'd like to recognize Kathy Glass and Michelle Tandowsky, for their incredible effort in pulling all this together: the logistics were amazing. Plus, of course, a special thank-you to the officers and soldiers who came by Tikkun Olam Day, showing us their equipment, and talking to our adults and children about the emotional link between our troops overseas and the citizens back home.

We have two groups of photographs that document Tikkun Olam Day, one from Len and the other from Keith and Michelle. (You may have to sign in to Kodak Gallery to view the photos.)

Thank you, thank you, to all who participated.

Alan Zeichick
Brotherhood Board


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